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Trim Event : Foxtail millet ladoo✨

Nutritional components 	Value per 100 g 
Energy 	331 kCal 
Protein 	12.3 g 
Dietary fibre 	8 g 
Fat 	4.3 g 
Phosphorus 	290 mg 
Potassium 	250 mg 
Magnesium 	81 mg 
Vitamin A 	32 mg 
Calcium 	31 mg 
Vitamin E 	31 mg 
Folic acid 	15 mg 
Sodium 	4.6 mg 
Niacin 	3.2 mg 
Iron 	2.8 mg 
Zinc 	2.4 mg

Health benefits of foxtail millet
1. Full of Essential Nutrients
2. Helps Manage Diabetes
3. Good for Cardiac Health
4. Triggers Weight Loss
5. Promotes Digestion
6. Strengthens Nervous System
7. Improves Immunity
8. Lowers Cholesterol
9. Improves Bone Health
10. Helps Prevent Anaemia
11. Naturally Gluten Free
12. Great for Skin
International yoga event @pink thiruvanmiyur

Dwarf Copperleaves ( Ponnanganni  Keerai) Nutritional facts - 100g

Energy - 73Kcal
Carbohydrate. - 12 g
Protein. - 5 g
Dietary Fiber. - 3 g
Fat. - 1g
Calcium. - 510 mg
Phosphorous. - 60 mg
Iron. - 2 mg
Water. -  77%

Health benefits of Dwarf Copperleaves ( Ponnanganni Keerai) 

✓Eye care

Ponnanganni keerai or leaves are one of the best sources for treatment of eye related problems. Fresh leaves are applied as such on the eye lids to cure inflammation in the sebaceous glands of the eyelids. It also cures chronic inflammation in the eyes and conjunctivitis.

✓Removes body heat

The oil extracted from the leaves can be deeply rubbed on the scalp and allowed to remain for about 15 minutes and then shampoo washed. This method reduces the body heat to the normal level and keeps the eyes cool. By repeating the process periodically at regular intervals it helps good hair growth also.

✓Liver care

In Indian medicine ponnanganni keerai is used as a cholagogue, gastrointestinal agent, which stimulates the bile flow (bile is an emulsifying agent produced in the liver which aids digestion of fats).

✓Cures Asthma

Consumption of two tablespoons of ponnanganni juice with one or two garlic cloves cures intermittent fever, continuous cough and asthma.

✓Improves breast milk

Consumption of cooked ponnanganni keerai and the soft stems of the plant helps lactating mothers by improving breast milk besides maintaining the health of the liver.

✓Rich in Antioxidants

∆ Moringa leaves have anti-oxidative properties and protect against the damaging effects of free radicals present in the environment. The damage caused by free radicals is responsible for many chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart problems, and Alzheimer’s.

∆ Moringa leaves are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene that act against free radicals.

∆ They also have Quercetin which is an antioxidant that helps to lower blood pressure. Another antioxidant that is present in moringa leaves is Chlorogenic acid which helps to stabilize blood sugar levels post meals.

✓Takes care of your heart

Moringa leaves protect the heart and support the cardiovascular system by bringing down the bad cholesterol levels, which can block the blood vessels thereby causing a heart attack.

✓Good for stomach

Moringa leaves are beneficial against digestive disorders. Those suffering from constipation, bloating, gas, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis should add moringa leaves to their diet.

✓Improves bone health

Moringa leaves are rich sources of calcium and phosphorus, which are needed for good bone health. Since moringa leaves have an anti-inflammatory nature, they help prevent arthritis and fight against osteoporosis, keeping your bones strong.

✓Improve Lactation

In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, moringa leaves were used to increase lactation in nursing mothers. Since they are a rich source of protein, important vitamins, and essential nutrients, consuming moringa leaves is very good for the health of the mother and the baby.

How to develop a healthy eating pattern

1.Eating more vegetables and fruits, especially those that are

✓dark green such as broccoli and bok choy
✓orange such as carrots and sweet potato

2.Selecting whole grain varieties of grain foods such as

✓whole grain pasta
✓whole grain bread
✓whole oats or oatmeal
✓whole grain brown or wild rice

3.Replacing dairy products that are higher in saturated fat, sodium, and sugars with healthier varieties such as:

✓lower fat unsweetened yogurt
✓lower fat and lower sodium cheeses
✓lower fat white milk and unsweetened plant-based beverages

4.Replacing meats higher in saturated fat with leaner varieties such as:

✓skinless poultry
✓fish and shellfish

5.Replacing some of the meat in your meals with plant-based protein foods such as:


6.Limiting highly processed foods such as:

✓preserves like jams and jellies
✓desserts like ice cream and chocolates
✓salty snacks like potato chips and pretzels
✓processed meats like bacon and sausages
✓sugars and syrups like honey and molasses
✓bakery products like cookies and croissants
✓sauces, dressings, dips, gravies and condiments
✓sugary drinks like juice and sweetened coffee and tea

✓Cucumber keeps you hydrated

Cucumber can be a great remedy for dehydration, especially during the summer, as it is mostly made of water and full of essential electrolytes. Adding cucumber to water is a great way to increase water consumption.

✓Cucumber keeps your skin healthy

• Cucumber contains silica which helps to develop strong and healthy connective tissues in the muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage and bone. Thus consumption of cucumber helps you get healthy and bright skin. 

• Cucumber is rich in water and this helps your skin to stay hydrated.

• Cucumber extract is also used to treat various skin ailments like sunburn and swelling under the eyes. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid present in cucumber also prevent water loss from the body.

✓Cucumber juice benefits for cancer patients

Cucumbers contain polyphenols called lignans which may help to reduce risk of breast, uterine, ovarine and prostate cancers. They also have phytonutrients called cucurbitacins which also have anti-cancer properties.

✓Cucumber as pain reliever

Cucumbers contain flavonoid, which are anti-inflammatory, and tannins. They help to fight the harmful free radicals that roam in our body. Elimination of free radicals lowers the risks of any illness plaguing our body and, hence, gives us relief from pain and discomfort.

✓Cucumber good for stress

Cucumber contains multiple B vitamins including Vitamin B1, vitamin B5 and Vitamin B7. These vitamins help to deal with feelings of anxiety and also reduce some of the damaging effects of stress.

✓Cucumber good for heart patients

Cucumber has potassium that helps to reduce blood pressure levels. A proper balance of potassium, both outside and inside the cells, is crucial for the body to function properly.

✓Cucumber good for weight loss

You can make healthy cucumber recipes for weight loss managment. You can also add cucumber in your salad, it has zero fat and contain low calories.

Yellow pumpkin Health Benefits 

✓Boosts Vision and Eye health 

*Vitamin A is closely connected with eye health and vision and a healthy intake of vitamin A will help you see better especially in dim light.

*Pumpkins also contain  vitamin C and vitamin E which are antioxidants and all of these nutrients help to prevent degenerative damage to the eyes.

✓Promotes satiety and weight loss

While not all foods containing fiber necessarily weight loss friendly, pumpkins contain both soluble and insoluble fiber that makes it hard for us to overeat. In fact, as little as one cup of pumpkin puree contains more than 3 grams of dietary fiber, which is nearly a quarter of your daily intake needs.

✓Supports Skin Health

Pumpkin is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential to the production of collagen, which is the main protein in the skin. It also provides antioxidant protection against photodamage caused by the sun's UV rays.

✓May Reduce Lung and Prostate Cancer Risk

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that consuming higher levels of beta-carotene may reduce your risk of developing lung and prostate cancer. Studies have not confirmed whether it can prevent cancer or reduce the risk of cancer-related death.

✓Lowers All-Cause Mortality

Beta-carotene is an important antioxidant, and you get a healthy dose of it when you consume pumpkin. Antioxidants help repair oxidative stress and protect against certain diseases, including Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, heart disease, Parkinson's, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Health Benefits of Cherry 

✓Relives Insomnia 
Cherries contain a hormone called melatonin which facilitates good, peaceful sleep. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It is known to regulate your sleep and wake cycles and control the internal body clock.

✓Facilitates Weight Loss

 Cherries are low in calories that means that around a cup of cherries would be less than 100 calories.They are rich in vitamins that strengthen your metabolism and have a moderate water content that flushes out the toxins from your body. 

✓Lowers Hypertension

Cherries contain a good amount of potassium, and thus, help in removing excess sodium content from the body and balances the amount of both potassium and sodium which automatically helps in maintaining your blood pressure levels. 

✓Prevents Cardiovascular Diseases

The antioxidants present in cherries called anthocyanins help in reducing bad cholesterol levels, regulate the blood pressure and fight free radicals that may cause inflammation. This reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

✓Maintains pH Balance

Cherries are alkaline in nature. Whenever there is an increase in the acidic content of the body, cherries can come in handy to balance the Ph levels by neutralizing it and preventing stomach problems like acidity or indigestion. 

✓Energy Fruit

Cherries are believed to be one of the most energy boosting fruits. They can help in building blood cells which automatically eases circulation and boosts our energy levels.

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*Fitness Trainer /Physiotherapist 
We are Hiring (only female candidates)
• Spinach is a nutritious leafy, green vegetable that may benefit skin, hair, and bone health. It is rich in multiple vitamins and minerals.

•One cup of raw spinach contains: 

- 7 calories
- 0.86 g of protein
- 29.7 mg of calcium
- 0.81 g of iron
- 24 mg of magnesium
- 167 mg of potassium
- 141 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin A
- 58 mcg of folate

*Health Benefits of Spinach 

✓May Keep Your Skin, Hair, And Nails Healthy

The vitamin A in spinach can protect the skin from UV radiation. It fights oxidative stress occurring on the dermal layers and promotes skin health. Consuming spinach regularly may give you healthy skin

✓May help maintain good vision

The dark green colour of spinach leaves indicates they contain high levels of chlorophyll and health-promoting carotenoids including beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. As well as being anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous, these phytonutrients are especially important for healthy eye sight, helping to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

✓ Spinach can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Spinach is a rich source of zeaxanthin and carotenoids that can flush out the toxins from your body. These toxins make your body inclined to numerous sicknesses, including cancer, and subsequently, Spinach is said to forestall malignant growth.

✓ Spinach Prevent Anaemia Problems

Spinach has a high wellspring of iron substance in it that can keep you from the dangers of creating sickliness. Iron is additionally great for ladies who are discharging, youngsters, and grown-ups. Iron supports energy in the human body and helps convey oxygen to every one of the body's cells.
Promotes digestive regularity
Spinach is high in fiber and water, both of which help prevent constipation and promote a healthy digestive tract.

✓Lowering blood pressure

Due to its high potassium content, spinach may helpTrusted Source reduce or manage high blood pressure.Potassium can help reduce the effects of sodium in the body.

✓May support healthy bones
Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K as well as being a source of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. These nutrients are important for maintaining bone health.
• Muskmelon is rich in nutrients and can be used for weight loss, healthy skin, healthy heart, improved immunity and eye vision. It helps to cure kidney stone and prevents complications or peoblems during pregnancy. It also eases menstrual cramps.

Benefits of Muskmelon 

✓Muskmelon Helps in Strengthing Immune System

Vitamin C and vitamin A in muskmelon strengthens immunity.It helps in stimulating the white blood cells in the body. Limphocytes are known for the body’s natural defense mechanism as they prevent foreign bodies from attacking as well as eradicating infections that attack the body. 

✓Benefits of Muskmelon in Cardiovascular Health

The anticoagulant properties of muskmelon because of the presence of adenosine in it help in blood thinning which automatically reduces the risk of heart ailments.

✓Muskmelon Helps in Preventing Cancer

Muskmelons have a high content of Vitamin C and beta-carotene. It can effectively combat and eliminate free radicals from the body which can otherwise supply nutrients to cancer cell growth.

✓Muskmelon Helps in Combats Stress

Cantaloupe or muskmellow is rich in potassium which normalizes the heartbeat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain.This makes us feel more relaxed and focused, thus acts as a stress remover. 

✓Benefits of Muskmelon for Eye Health

The adequate amount of vitamin A and carotene present in muskmelon help in preventing cataract and improving vision

✓Benefits of Muskmelon for Treating Insomnia

Cantaloupe has powerful laxative properties. It contains a uniquecompound that relieve the nerves and calms anxieties. Thus, it helps insomniacs to get a sound sleep by eliminating sleeping disorders.

✓Benefits of Muskmelon for Menstrual Problems

The anti-coagulant properties of muskmelon dissolves clots and eases muscle cramps during menstruation. Vitamin C present in muskmelon also helps to regulate menstrual flow.

Let's Beat the Summer 🌞 

Health benefits of Watermelon 🍉 

✓It’s sweet and juicy, making it the perfect treat to quench your thirst during the summer heat.

✓Watermelon has a glycemic index (GI) of 76. This means it could give you a faster rise in blood sugar than foods with a lower GI. However, when considering glycemic load (which takes into account how much you eat per serving), a half cup of chopped watermelon is 4, which is considered low

✓Helps you stay hydrated

Eating foods with a high water content may help give your body the water it needs to function properly.

Watermelon comprises 92% water, making it a great choice for daily water intake

✓ Packed with nutrients and beneficial plant compounds

Watermelon contains a variety of nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A and C. It’s also relatively low in calories, containing just 46 per cup (152 grams) 

Here are the nutrients in 1 cup (152 grams) of raw, diced watermelon:

Calories: 46
Carbs: 11.5 grams
Fiber: 0.6 grams
Sugar: 9.4 grams
Protein: 0.9 grams
Fat: 0.2 grams

Watermelon is also a rich source of citrulline, an amino acid that may improve exercise performance

Plus, it boasts antioxidants, including vitamin C, carotenoids, lycopene, and cucurbitacin E

✓May improve digestion

Watermelon contains plenty of water and a small amount of fiber, both of which are necessary for healthy digestion.

Fiber helps keep your bowels regular, while water moves waste through your digestive tract more efficiently

Let's Beat The Summer 🌞 

Tender coconut water health benefits 

✓Hydrates Naturally:

Tender coconut is a natural rehydrating drink that has no added chemicals or harmful ingredients. It is the best drink to choose any day. It is very effective in keeping you hydrated, especially during summers.

✓Resolves Stomach issues:

The best way to give your upset stomach some time to recover is by replacing your meal with tender coconut. Whether it is due to an infection, ulcer or indigestion, tender coconut can nourish your body and allow your stomach and intestine to recover.

✓Restores electrolytes:

It  is rich in vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. These help the body to restore the essential electrolytes. On a hot summer day, electrolytes are lost due to sweating and this makes you feel all drained out. Tender coconut helps you replenish them and make you feel more refreshed.

✓Regulates Bowel Movements:

Food in the body is digested and the undigested/unwanted ones are passed through bowels. In people who suffer from constipation, these accumulate in the intestine and are toxic. Tender coconut has soluble fiber which eases bowel movement. By consuming tender coconut regularly, one can regulate their bowel movements.

✓Increases blood circulation:

Tender coconut water has arginine which helps in increasing the blood circulation to all the internal organs of the body.

✓Prevents kidney stones:

Tender coconut is rich in potassium and hence helps keep the kidneys healthy. It acts as a diuretic to flush extra water out of the body and also prevents kidney stones.

✓General Health promoter:

Tender coconut water acts like a tonic. It has all the necessary nutrients to fulfill a person’s daily need. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can even be used to feed infants and is a great a source of nutrition.

✓Aids weight loss:

Tender coconut has no fat. It is a very low-calorie drink that can easily replace a meal. It can also be consumed before a meal to reduce binge eating among weight-watchers. It also helps in losing weight by removing excess water weight stored due to heavy sodium consumption.
Congratulations on your weight loss - 👏👏👏

We all know that change is hard and it is especially difficult if you try to make too many changes, so start small and gradually make lifestyle improvements. 

Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Combining excercise  with a healthy diet is more effective way to lose weight than depending on calorie restriction alone. Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do everyday activities.

Let's beat the Summer 🌞 

Seasonal fruits are great for one’s health as they help get rid of the toxins and maintain the body’s natural temperature. One such fruit is nungu, palmyra palm or ice apple that is considered extremely beneficial, especially to beat the summer heat.

✓As a low-calorie fruit, ice apple is a powerhouse of carbohydrates, phytonutrients and calcium. Though it contains minimal amount of fibre, it has vitamin A, C, B7, K and iron that are extremely essential for health.

✓Nungu has minerals, sodium and potassium that help regulate fluids in the body and quench thirst. It also helps prevent dehydration which can be a prominent health issue during summer.

✓It is an effective natural remedy for patients suffering from digestive issues, including constipation and acidity. It is also known to relieve nausea that often occurs during pregnancy.

✓Ice apple is considered to possess several strong phytochemicals that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which help slow down ageing and reduce the risk of developing incurable diseases.

✓It is also known as a local, seasonal and effective way to lose weight as the presence of water keeps the stomach full throughout the day, avoiding unnecessary binging.

✓It is also said that ice apple helps prevent heat rashes and prickly heat that are very common in summer. Applying the flesh of ice apple on the affected areas helps relieve itchiness during summer.

Let's Beat the Summer 🌞

Buttermilk - Health benefits

✓Enhances metabolism
Probiotics found in buttermilk help in fostering the development of healthy gut bacteria. This can ease bloating and constipation symptoms and promote digestion.

✓Increases immunity
Lactic acid bacteria found in buttermilk can boost the production of antibodies, which in turn can serve to strengthen the immune system.

✓Hydrates the body
Buttermilk is an excellent hydration source that can help replace fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating.

✓Enhanced bone health
Calcium and other minerals vital for healthy bones are abundant in buttermilk. The regular intake of buttermilk can aid in the prevention of bone diseases like osteoporosis

 ✓Minimises inflammation
Buttermilk contains probiotics that can aid in reducing inflammation in the body's intestines and other areas. This can lower the chance of developing chronic illnesses like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

✓Helps with weight reduction
Buttermilk is low in calories and fat, making it an excellent choice for people who are trying to lose weight. Additionally, it aids in promoting satiety and reducing appetite.

✓Blood pressure reduction
Potassium, which is abundant in buttermilk, can help reduce blood pressure by balancing the impact of excess sodium.

😊Ramadan is the month of happiness and peace. Enjoy this auspicious time with your loved ones. Happy Ramadan 🌜

Let's Beat the Summer 🌞

Health Benefits Of Mosambi

✓ Boosts Immunity

Mosambi is rich in vitamin C which helps enhance your immunity power and protects the body from the attack of common flu, cough and cold, and other illnesses. Studies have shown that consuming sweet lime thrice a week can help prevent viral and bacterial infections.

✓ Improves Digestion

Eating sweet lime or drinking mosambi juice can help improve the secretion of bile juices and digestive acids that can help improve intestinal functioning and improve digestion.

✓Boosts Bone Health

Vitamin C in mosambi can help reduce tissue damage. Thus, it soothes inflammation due to arthritis. The folic acid in the fruit also helps in improving joint function and bone health.

✓ Prevents Cell Damage

Mosambi is rich in antioxidants and regular consumption can help in slowing down and preventing cell damage caused due to free radical cells. The citrus fruit contains active compounds that are super rich in antioxidants such as kaempferol, flavonoids, quercetin, limonoids and vitamin C.

✓Prevents Dehydration

The hydrating property of sweet lime makes it a great fruit to prevent dehydration. The fruit is rich in potassium, magnesium, manganese and other minerals which help replenish the lost electrolytes.

✓ May Help Flush Out Kidney Stones

Kidney stones develop due to a high concentration of calcium in the urine and other minerals. Studies have pointed out that consuming citrus fruits regularly can help reduce the risk of developing kidney stones .The citrus fruit help flushes out the stones.

 ✓May Improve Iron Absorption

Iron is an important mineral that helps in the production of red blood cells (RBCs) and deficiency of this mineral can result in anaemia. Consuming mosambi after having food can help improve the absorption of iron into the bloodstream and prevent the onset of anaemia.

Let's beat the summer 🌞

health benefits of ash gourd juice 

1) Rich in nutrients

It has minerals like iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, copper, and manganese and remains to be a valuable source of vitamins like niacin, thiamine, vitamin C and riboflavin.

2) Promotes weight loss

Ash gourd juice is low in calories and high in dietary fibre. Also, the high water content in it makes it excellent for those aiming to shed some extra kilos. We all know that fibre content provides fullness and satiety for a long time. This, in turn, averts food cravings and helps refrain from binge eating. All of this contributes to reducing overall calorie intake.

3) Cooling and alkalising in nature

This juice is one of the best options to cool your body and, hence, very helpful in summer. Otherwise, also, people who have excess heat in their body can have ash gourd juice to cool their systems. It is an alkaline food that has a neutralising effect on the stomach, preventing acidity.

4) Increases energy levels

Ash gourd carries vitamin B3, which increases energy levels. So, it is also beneficial for all those who suffer from anaemia and have weakness in the body.

5) Improves gut health

Foods with high fibre content are favourable for gut health. Ash gourd is high in soluble fibre. It promotes the growth of good bacteria, and alleviates indigestion-causing constipation, hemorrhoids, etc., thereby keeping the colon healthy.
Nutrient Components Value/100 grams 

Carbohydrate - 3.96 g 
Protein - 12 g 
Fibre - 2.9 g 
Zinc - 0.6 mg 
Calcium - 30 mg 
Iron - 11.8 mg 
Vitamins B1 - 0.04 mg 
Vitamin B3 - 0.528 mg 
Vitamin B2 - 0.145 mg 
Vitamin C - 17.2 mg 
Vitamin B6 - 0.046 mg 
Vitamin B5 - 0.176 mg

Trim Event (Summer drink) - Almond Gum Rose milk


*Badam pisin/Almond Gum-

2 or 3 piece *Milk - 100 ml (Boiled and cooled)

* Sabja seeds- 1 tbsp

Rose milk essence-3 to 4 drops

brown Sugar-4tbsp or as needed.



Almond Gum/Badam Pisin Health Benefits

✔ Promotes digestion and gut health

Badam Pisin has soothing properties that can ease digestive ailments such as indigestion, bloating, and acidity. Its cooling effect helps to calm the digestive system and provides relief from discomfort.

✔Aids in weight management

It is a high fiber content. Fiber is known to promote satiety and reduce hunger pangs, helping you feel full for longer periods.

✓Supports cardiovascular health

High cholesterol is a significant risk factor for heart disease, and by incorporating Badam Pisin into your diet, you can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

✔Strengthens bones and joints

Badam Pisin or Almond Gum is a rich source of essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus, which are vital for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

✔Enhances skin and hair health

Badam Pisin provides a generous dose of antioxidants that help fight free radicals and protect your skin from oxidative damage.

Health Benefits of bottle gourd

✓ Improves your digestive system

Bottle Gourd being easy to digest is suitable for children, old people, and people recovering from any serious disease. It should be consumed regularly as Bottle Gourd provides you with nitration which helps in rapid recovery and gaining strength. 

✓Great for your liver

Consuming bottle gourd or bottle gourd juice on a regular basis keeps your liver healthy. It helps in regenerating liver tissues and ultimately improves the functions of the liver. People with gall bladder stones should also consume this vegetable on a regular basis. 

✓Cure for people with urination problem

Diseases related to urination are quite common nowadays. Consuming bottle gourd every day improves urine output because of its diuretic properties. Burning sensation during urination and urination infections are automatically treated if bottle gourd is consumed properly. 

✓Quenches thirst during summer

During Indian summers, there is a huge loss of water from the body in the form of sweat. People tend to become thirsty. Drinking bottle gourd juice during summers helps to solve this problem, as it is rich in water, vitamins, and various minerals. 

✓ Prevents constipation
Bottle gourd increases the quantity and flow of stool. So, people with constipation, gastritis and acidity problem can find this vegetable very useful. People with piles can also benefit by eating bottle gourd. 

Bottle gourd is alkaline in nature and plays a major role in the treatment of acidity. 

✓Potential Uses of Bottle Gourd for Obesity

Bottle gourd might be a good option for losing weight as it is low in calories and contains mostly water. It is also rich in dietary fibre and contains low fat and cholesterol. These properties may help with weight management. You can add bottle gourd to your regular diet to help you manage weight. 

The Miracle drink - ABC Juice

The three musketeers of the ABC detox drink are: Apple, Beetroot and Carrot.

these classical constituents are known to give a healthy mind and body since ages.

A quick way to make ABC drink:

-Get one large juicy apple, 2 medium sized carrots and 1 small beetroot and ginger 

-Wash them properly under running tap water

-Remove the peel of beetroot and chop all the ingredients into small pieces.

-Put them in a blender or juicer. Add little water. Blend well.

-Strain the mixture and keep the juice aside.

-Serve the juice in glass with a generous squeeze of lemon to enhance the taste

-Do not add sugar

Health benefits

✓Makes you brainy and sharpens memory

✓Good for Weight Loss 

✓Removes bad breath

✓ Ease menstrual cramps

✓Gives a healthy pink blush on your face

✓Improves bowel movement and aids in digestion

Health Benefits of Barnyard Millet ( Kuthiraivali )

✓Rich in nutrients

 Barnyard millet is a powerhouse of essential nutrients such as fibre, protein, iron, and calcium. It also contains important minerals like phosphorus and magnesium, contributing to overall health.

✓Gluten-free alternative

Ideal for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, barnyard millet serves as an excellent gluten-free substitute in various dishes.

✓Weight management 

With its high fibre content, barnyard millet aids in digestion, promotes a feeling of fullness, and can be beneficial for weight management.

✓Regulates blood sugar 

The complex carbohydrates in barnyard millet are digested slowly, helping in maintaining stable blood sugar levels. It is a suitable grain for individuals with diabetes.

✓Heart health

 Barnyard millet contains antioxidants and compounds that support heart health, such as lignans and phenolic acids.

Health Benefits of Finger Millet ( Ragi ) 
✓Rich in nutrients

Finger millet is an excellent source of several essential nutrients, including calcium, iron, protein, and fiber. It also contains vitamin E, B-complex vitamins, and antioxidants.

✓Helps manage diabetes

Finger millet has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. This makes it a good food choice for people with diabetes.

✓Improves digestion

Finger millet is high in fiber, which helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation. It is also believed to have prebiotic properties, which means it can help promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

✓Boosts bone health

Finger millet is an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth. It also contains other bone-building minerals, such as magnesium and potassium.

✓Supports weight loss

Finger millet is low in calories and high in fiber, which makes it a filling food that can help you feel full for longer. This can help reduce cravings and support weight loss efforts.

✓Reduces the risk of anemia 

Finger millet is rich in iron, which is essential for the production of red blood cells. Consuming finger millet can help prevent iron-deficiency anemia.

Health Benefits of Pearl Millet/ Bajra / Kambu 

✓Weight Management

Consists of complex carbs, bajra is absorbed slowly from our digestive tract, leading to greater satiety while ensuring a continuous flow of energy. This helps prevent overeating and in-between meal bingeing.

✓Gluten Free

The protein content in bajra is gluten free, making it a good change from the gluten heavy daily meals we consume.

✓Gut Health

 Bajra is a rich source of insoluble fibre, which works as a pre-biotic in our gut, helping keep our digestive health in top form. Insoluble fibre also helps prevent overeating by adding bulk to the meals, leading to early satiety. Insoluble fibre is also vital for proper bowel cleansing and preventing constipation.

✓Healthy Heart

Since bajra is a good source of magnesium, it is good for heart patients to add bajra to their diet. Magnesium is capable of preventing risk factors of cardiovascular diseases like BP and diabetes.

✓Phytochemicals are present in abundance in millets.

 The most abundant polyphenols present in bajra include flavonoids - tricin, luteolin and acacetin. These have been shown to be anti-carcinogenic and antitumor, and may even help arrest the growth of breast cancer cells. Flavonoids act as anti-oxidants in our body and also help with boosting the immune system.

✓Packed With Omega-3 Fats

Bajra is a better source of healthy omega-3 fats as compared to other cereals. Omega-3 oils have been associated with lowering BP, triglycerides, slowing plaque development in arteries, maintaining a regular heart rhythm and are known to be cardio protective.

Women's day celebration@pink Thiruvanmiyur
Pink Talentina participant

😍Women's Day Celebration@pinkthiruvanmiyur

Cheers to the women who make the world a better place with their presence and strength. Happy Women's Day!

Health Benefits of Foxtail Millet ( Thinai ) 

✓Stronger Bones

Foxtail millets are an excellent source of iron and calcium which play a pivotal role in maintaining the health of bones and muscles.Include Foxtail millet in your regular diet to meet the calcium and phosphorous needs of the body for combating brittle bones, inflammation and other bone related chronic conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis, spondylitis etc.

✓Boosts Cardiac Health:

Millets are in general popular for maintaining good heart health. Being gluten-free, rich in protein and less on carbs these amazing wonders of nature aid in the formation of neurotransmitter acetylcholine that transfers message between muscle and nerves besides protecting the heart functions. Eat it daily to protect heart from various ailments.

✓Manages Diabetes:

Diabetic patients are generally discouraged to cut down on the intake of rice, owing to its high carb content. Foxtail millet is an absolutely great substitute to rice as it keeps you satiated for longer hours.

✓Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Foxtail millet contains a good source of amino acids including Lecithin and Methionine which play a crucial level in decreasing cholesterol by reducing excess fat in the liver. The presence of Threonine prevents fatty liver, further decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol.

✓Triggers Weight Loss

Tryptophan, an amino acid present in Foxtail millet in ample amounts is crucial for preventing hunger pangs. If you are one of those battling excessive fat around the belly, it’s time to increase the intake of Foxtail millet as it prevents accumulation of fatty substances in the body.

✓Promotes Digestion

Happy gut is an indication of overall health. Digestive issues if not addressed early can turn chronic and may lead to severe constipation, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome. It is an amazing choice of food for those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

👭Women's day week Celebration 🤩
😀💃Fun Activity

👭Women's day week🤩
🧑‍🍳Cookery competition- 🥗Healthy recipes

Walk for your dreams with Suryan FM on March 10 @Island Grounds-Chennai

Vanakkam to the early risers!

Walk alongside hundreds of other inspiring women and feel the power of community. This event is a chance to celebrate each other's achievements and support one another's goals.

Register Now

Let's walk together for our dreams, passions, and health.



*Red Aval (Red Poha )
*Brown sugar

✓	Red Aval Good For Blood Sugar Spikes - One of the best red aval nutritional benefits is its ability to help control blood sugar spikes. The active fiber and vitamin b1 in poha promote steady and slow sugar release into the bloodstream. This is extremely helpful to people who have diabetes.

✓	A good probiotic –Poha is made from fermentation, and hence it retains all of its good microbial growth. Moreover, red aval is good for weight loss as the active probiotics can clean out the harmful toxins in the gut.

✓	Naturally gluten-free -Good news for people with gluten allergies! Or if you’re actively trying to abstain from gluten. Red aval  is naturally gluten-free, therefore you can enjoy it to your heart’s content guilt-free.

✓ Good for weight loss- red aval is naturally a highly nutritious, low-calorie food. This makes it an ideal fit for people trying to lose weight. Therefore, you can easily spice up your diet with some delicious veggie poha breakfast.

✓	Rich source of iron – red aval  is laden with iron. Iron is necessary for proper RBC development. Additionally, If you’re anemic, then it’s a rich source of iron. Finally, it’s a must-include for a healthy balanced diet.

Kodo Millet ( Varagu Arisi) 

Nutritional components 	Value per 100 g 

Carbohydrate. - 59.2 g 
Protein -  10.6 g 
Fibre - 10.2 g 
Fat - 4.2 g 
Phosphorus - 188 mg 
Potassium -	107.8 mg 
Calcium - 27.0 mg 
Sodium. - 3.48 mg 
Vitamin B3 - 2.0 mg 
Zinc - 1.58 mg 
Iron - 0.5 mg 
Vitamin B5 - 0.28 mg 
Vitamin B1 - 0.18 mg 
Vitamin B2 - 0.09 mg 
Folate - 33.06 mcg 
Vitamin K - 0.5 mcg

Kodo millet health Benefits

✓Controls Diabetes

Kodo millet significantly reduces glycated haemoglobin levels, triggers production of liver glycogen, stimulating instant levels of energy in diabetics.

✓Fights Chronic Ailments

Kodo millets are an impressive source of powerful antioxidants. The phenolic extracts in this tiny millet reduce LDL or bad cholesterol, keep heart healthy, bring down blood pressure levels and prevent various other chronic conditions. These antioxidants also act against free radicals causing damage to the cells, tissues thus preventing various types of cancers.

✓Aids in Weight Loss

Millets of all kinds top the list of those hoping to lose those extra kilos. Kodo, a great alternative for rice and wheat serves the purpose, as it triggers metabolic activity, fights against metabolic syndrome especially in the adolescent boys and girls thus aiding in shedding that stubborn fat in and around the waist, abdomen and hips.

✓Heart Healthy

Cardiovascular problems are the major cause of fatalities around the world. A healthy diet, means healthy heart and it’s time to bring in millets. Regular consumption of Kodo millets not only keeps this vital organ healthy but also brings down the levels of bad cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, fight anxiety and keep you happy.

Myth vs Facts

Based on 318 Reviews

AMAZING GYM ! The staff here is incredibly friendly and extremely qualified!I definitely recommend them to my friends and family.

Gayathri Subramanian
December 27, 2023

Love the gym! Facilities are super nice and staff are super friendly and encouraging! Kalpana akka was my personal trainer and she was a lot of fun and very motivating! She brought long lasting results and I was super happy! Overall highly recommend

December 22, 2023
Pba Habeeba
December 16, 2023
Gayathri S
December 16, 2023
Supraja R
November 9, 2023

Pink gym thiruvanmiyur is really good. All the trainers are exceptional, they take special care of each one. I love coming to this place daily, trainers motivate us to do our best! Kumudha , Soundarya all are very friendly, I would definitely recommend this centre for weight loss ,general fitness, core srengthening .Equipments are all well maintained too.

lakshana meera
October 16, 2023

Hi everyone I m meera…I m writing this review after joining three months of trim package…my actually weight is 59 kgs at the time of joining the I have reduced nearly 7kgs within three months in an healthy way…I m so much thankful to my personal trainer Kumutha Mam and my dietitian Deepika Mam they both guided me to reach my target weight within a short time…without a proper workout and clean eating we cannot achieve our goal… Even the other trainers also helping us if you do any mistakes in workout or if you have any doubts also they are clarifying us… Finally I suggest everyone…and blindly I can say…yah go for it… the gym was well maintained neat and clean…and its full and full of ladies only in gym✌🏻😊

Karthika RS
October 15, 2023
priyanka malai
September 29, 2023
Naviya Murugesan
September 29, 2023

Trainers are very friendly, adequate equipments, overall a nice gym experience

September 29, 2023

My first gym experience and it is been greatful with the result and trainers and dietitian who are always keep supporting. I'm really thankful and feel encouraged to reach my goal. Thank you!

Thrisha Ramkumar
September 28, 2023

This is my first Gym experience, pleasant atmosphere, maintained very clean with good trainers. Very comfortable, and motivated to start the day with Pink Gym, thank you!

Anisha Jena
September 28, 2023

Very nice training.

Steffi Lionel
September 28, 2023
saisri uppili
September 17, 2023

A neatly maintained gym with high end equipments, friendly trainers who are approachable all the time.

Ayesha Sithikka
September 13, 2023

Pink gym is one of the best option... My trainer vidhya mam guide me very well & detitician deepika mam also guide me very well she clear my doubts anytime... Thank you to all... Weight loss journey is going on perfectly because of pink gym... 🤍🤍🤍

Saranya karthikeyan
August 10, 2023

Hi all, I am saranya karthikeyan. Recently last month (july 2023), I joined in pink fitness gym.. Its a new world for me. I was suggested to take trim package. My trainer Kumutha and my dietician Deepika are very friendly and guiding me properly, not only them other trainers are also helping us, when we have any doubt. Gym environment and machines are maintaining in a clean manner.... I am very satisfied and i strongly suggest others to join here... Today my sister joined in Pink, Ambattur centre, from my reference. Within one month I lost 3 kg weight, that too in a healthy way with the help of my dietician .... overall, happy about everything, I am really thankful and feel encouraged to reach my goal.... Thank you.

Candy Elmo
August 10, 2023
August 9, 2023

I can see difference very well in my body by doing workouts here.✌🏽

I got a good experience. And lossed my weight about 8kg in 6 months. I learned about my diets .i enjoyed the group workouts, it reduces my calories. thanks for my dietitian and team who helped me. The people's were really friendly. I had my good time.

Shanmugapriya M
August 8, 2023
Sruthisekar Ruchitha
August 2, 2023

My first gym experience and so far it's been wonderful with the result and trainers who are always motivating and supporting. With the Trim package and with the dietician 's diet plan, I have lost around 5 kgs in 1 month. I'm really thankful and feel encouraged to reach my goal. Thank you!

Srividhya murali
July 13, 2023

Somethings can't be said !

Priyangaa G
June 17, 2023

Best for women, jansi mam was my trainer, she is dedicated, motivating, pushing me to my best. I loved random group workouts. Fees was bit high but worth for that price, i reduced 10 kgs in two and half months using Trim package. There was always this positive vibe always wanted to go back again. Dietitian Soundarya mam followed up everyday what i ate and guided.

John Maria
June 14, 2023

Amazing personal trainers and complete, clean gym. This is my first experience with gym and I am happy😊

Good personalised training and effective workouts. Should definitely participate in group workouts.

Effective, can see good results in a short time

Rama Devi
June 1, 2023

Hi, Pink Fitness ladies gym, Thiruvanmiyur is one of the best place. I had joined 1 Year pack for weight gain good results I am seeing. The trainer's are very supportive. My special thanks to Vidya mam and Jansi mam.

Preethi Gowthaman
May 31, 2023

Pink is Perfect choice which is exclusively for Women. My Trainer Vidhya designed workout plan which suits me well and guides a lot in terms of weightloss. Dietician Soundarya gave clear and concrete advise on diet plans according to my likes and dislikes. As well other trainers also behave in a cordial manner. I strongly recommend Pink Gym for Weightloss and maintaining healthy physique.

Peaceful place for both mind and body 🥳

Joyce Angela
May 17, 2023

Pink Fitness is really a perfect place to improve your fitness. I'm so happy I joined this gym.The atmosphere, good quality equipment and efficient trainers there boosts our grinding process.I took 6months trim package and was able to reduce 10kgs. Special thanks to dietician Soundharya and my trainer Vidhya for their constant support and motivation. Highly recommend!

sophia Sanjay
May 7, 2023

Pink Fitness Thiruvanmiyur - by far the best facility around. The Manager Ms.Swetha and PT trainers Jhansi, Vidya, and Kumudha are incredibly friendly, experienced and knowledgeable. The workout regimes designed by them are unique depending on one's need, ability and goals. The workstation is immaculate and gleamingly clean maintained by Mangai akka and other staffs. Am happy to be associated with this gym and would continue to press ahead with my fitness journey.

Priya P
May 6, 2023

Nice environment with well trained trainers

Preethi Lakshmi
May 5, 2023

I feel great to join Pink Fitness, rooms are clean and can experience aesthetic environment. Personally, I like my trainer, she guided me well toward my goal. People are nice to one another that makes me enjoy my time in gym. Swetha and other staffs are very kind and professional. I am being motivated and strongly focused on completing my planned goal. Overall, I am amazed and I will recommend to others.

Kumutha VKumutha
May 5, 2023

Good place ...The trainers and dietitian are very encouraging and supportive.The management is also doing good .Gym atmosphere is very neat and clean.

Soundarya Sandy
May 5, 2023

Pink Fitness thiruvanmiyur is the best for doing workout very comfortable and pleasant place. The Trainers and Dietitian are very friendly and helpful to acheive our goal . Thank you

Jayapradha Sanku
April 25, 2023

Pink gym has a nice environment, best in the surrounding area for women fitness. Professional trainers provide good support in your weight loss journey. Special mention to Jhansi trainer who ensures you to follow diet/exercises and help you to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Priya Janet
April 25, 2023
Nasima Begum
April 24, 2023

My trainer jhansi is good trainer she helped me alot I lost 5kg in 3months

gayu smile
April 24, 2023

Nice & comfortable place.. Trianer are kind and helpful 😊😊

Atchaya Alwar
April 22, 2023
Revathy Deepak
March 16, 2023

Excellent training, great results in a short span of time, all trainers and staff are friendly and responsive, keep the good work. Thank you

Kumaresh Lakshu
March 16, 2023

My wife has pcod and she is tried to get pregnant. She follows regular exercises and certain diets. Sometimes her diet was not followed but her workouts never stopped. because of gym motivation.The gym atmosphere and their hospitality everything is soooo good. And very happy to say this without any treatment she is pregnant now. So pcod ,PCOS is irregular periods not a disease it's a lifestyle change. So choose this place for your workout and achieve your goals. Thank you pink gym manager, Trainers and dietitian and pink entire Team ❤️

Suba Shri
March 11, 2023

Pink fitness Thiruvanmiyur is best for Women. I took 6 months trim package, So the trainer and dietitian were very much approachable and extremely good at training.. The way they monitor and train us, so that we will achieve our goal on weight loss\gain with there tremendous assistance. I notice a rapid changes in my fitness journey after my workout. I strongly recommend this gym to all women who intend to be fit. The gym is well maintained, neat and tidy. Special thanks all the trainers and administrators who are friendly and respectful. Thanks and happy to be part of Pink Thiruvanmiyur!!!

Anbu Kani
February 18, 2023
Divya Chelshia
February 18, 2023

Pink Fitness 🙂 One of the best ladies gym in thiruvanmuyir... Clean and well maintained gym with a friendly and super guiding trainers. Joined here for fitness... U can also opt for weight loss n weight gain and u will never get disappointed of joining Pink.

Rakini B
February 18, 2023

Hi.... Joined pink two weeks back for "weight gain". One perfect, clean and friendly ladies gym u guys can opt for... U will have ur own trainer and dietician who will constantly have a check on u and ur diet... While joining i was just 43.2kgs, will surely update my weight after 1 month.. Gaining weight only through healthy diet and no protein powders or other additives is suggested here! So yes u can start ur healthy fitness from pink 🙂

Sowmiya S
February 18, 2023

Pink fitness gym, Thiruvanmiyur ,best gym for ladies. I joined the gym one months back. Trainer are extremely 👍 good

A Few Words About Pink

Safe and Comfortable


Pink Fitness Female Trainers


Pink Fitness Group Class


Pink Fitness Diet Consultation


Pink Female Trainers


Pink Fitness Result Oriented


Pink Fitness Certified Physio



The Leading Women's Gym For Over 15 Years

30 Minute Total Body Workout

30-Minute Total Body Workout

You’ll work every major muscle group with strength training, aerobic exercise, and stretching in just 30 minutes.

Safe and effective machine for women

Safe and Effective Machines Designed for Women

Our variety of hydraulic resistance gym machines are ideal for women of any fitness level to achieve results.

Pink Fitness In Thiruvanmiyur

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